#musiclessons #capetown #instumentteaching #musicschool #convenience #instrumenthire #mobilemusicschool #learnmusicanywhere #artseducation #colourcoded #musicninjas
If you’ve recently found yourself thinking, “Where can I find music lessons near me?”, Mobile Music Academy is here to help. Whether you’re looking for music lessons for kids or adults, beginner-friendly tuition or something more advanced, we’ve got you covered.
Music Lessons that come to YOU - convenient music lessons for busy kids, parents and working professionals
Convenience frees up time and energy - cue a better quality of life! MMA’s highly skilled, experienced, and friendly teachers come to your home - providing the ultimate in convenience. We have numerous teachers offering a variety of instruments - piano, guitar, drums, ukulele and more - there’s (nearly) always a teacher available for YOUR schedule.
Having music lessons not just near you, but AT you means relaxing in the comfort of your own home, rather than waiting for your child in your car, a waiting room, or someone else’s house.

Time is money (as is petrol)...
You can’t get work or chores done while you sit in traffic. Get more done in less time by skipping the driving to and from music lessons. Instead, get something done at home while your child enjoys relaxed, warm and professional tuition at home.
Adults looking for music tuition benefit hugely from this too - learning an instrument from home means you can jump straight from a Zoom meeting into a lesson if need be.

Music lessons at home = a familiar environment helps kids relax & learn
While you may find other music schools or teachers near you, they won’t offer the same comforting environment that your home does. Many children (and adults!) feel anxious when they start music lessons, are getting to know a new person, or are faced with a new challenge.
Eliminating the factor of a new, potentially frightening environment can go a long way in reducing anxiety levels - leaving more headspace for fun and learning. After all, you’re paying for your time - let’s make this as easy, enjoyable and productive as possible!
Try a FREE music lesson at home with Mobile Music Academy
We don’t believe in paying for services you haven’t tested, so we offer a FREE 30-minute trial music lesson to anyone who wants to sign up. This allows you the chance to “meet & greet” the teacher, and get a feel for what our lessons provide.
If you’re signing up a child, the first lesson also provides the comfort of having Mom, Dad, Gran or Aunty sit in, should they (and/or you) so wish. (Please note: we generally recommend allowing your child to make this decision, and/or trying a lesson alone in the second or third session in order to gain more independence).
Our free trial lessons are obligation-free, so if you’d prefer not to sign up, we promise not to badger you with advertising or contact to change your mind. You can also choose to try out a different teacher or a different instrument - and this would be deemed a separate, free trial.
Choose your instrument for music lessons in the comfort of your home
Choose the music instrument that suits you or your child best. We offer tuition at home for absolute beginners, intermediate learners or advanced music students in:
Bass Guitar
Don’t have an instrument yet? We do instrument rentals! Enquire about our reliable, affordable music instrument rentals and equipment by emailing mobilemusicacademysa@gmail.com or calling 073 600 7194.
PS: Our unique colour coded method makes learning easy and fun
Did you know that Mobile Music Academy uses a unique and fun colour-coding method? Learning music has never been easier with interactive, colour-coded diagrams, cartoon animal characters and ninja-belt tiers to conquer as you progress.